You brush your teeth every morning and before bed each night. Yet when you go to your dental appointments, your dentist in Houston still finds cavities. When this happens, you may be asking yourself, “Why do I get cavities even if I take good care of my teeth?”, which can… Read More…
There are certain things you expect when you visit your dentist in Houston — to get a cleaning, a thorough exam, perhaps a filling or two, and occasionally some x-rays. But are dental x-rays actually necessary? After all, if nothing looks wrong or feels wrong, do you really need to… Read More…
February is the month of hearts. Candy hearts, chocolate hearts, flower hearts, and yes, even our actual hearts. In fact, February is American Heart Health Month, a time when health professionals come together to raise awareness of heart disease and talk about some habits to change to reduce the risk…. Read More…
Just like you can buy sushi from a gas station, you can also use your teeth as tools. However, neither comes highly recommended. And for good reason. While your dentist in Houston isn’t an expert on local sushi, we are experts on teeth. Our teeth are designed to help us… Read More…
We’ve officially turned the page into a new calendar year, and this year, we’ve never been happier to put the previous year behind us. Even though ringing in 2021 probably looked a little different this year, there’s one thing that remains the same year after year — New Year’s Resolutions…. Read More…
It’s a well-known fact that you can catch a lot of things from a simple kiss, such as a cold, or feelings for your fellow smoocher. But did you know that you may even catch a cavity from kissing? Before you pucker up under the mistletoe, your dentist in Houston… Read More…
It’s not uncommon to hear your dentist in Houston toss around the words ‘plaque’ and ‘tartar’ almost interchangeably. In fact, we’ve realized that this could cause some confusion, and as always, we want to help our patients understand the difference between the two. Join us as we take a look… Read More…
It may seem odd to hear your dentist in Houston talk about dementia. However, recent research suggests that your dentist may be the person to do just that. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Aging, gum disease may play a key role in the development of… Read More…
What we eat not only affects our overall health but our oral health, too. It’s important to eat well-balanced meals, limit the sugary snacks, and choose fresh fruits and veggies whenever possible. But what exactly do you eat after dental treatment? You can’t chomp on a crunchy carrot very easily… Read More…
Has wearing a facemask caused you to change the way you breathe? Unless you’re a professional painter or a doctor, you’re probably not used to wearing a facemask at all, let alone for extended periods of time. As a result, you’ve probably accidentally started breathing out of your mouth instead… Read More…