Houston Implant Dentistry - Fantastic Smiles of Houston
New Patients: 832-861-0364
Current Patients: 832-862-1111

Implant Dentistry

Houston Dental Implants

Missing Teeth Are No Match For Fantastic Smiles

When you’re missing teeth, you may not feel as confident in your smile as you’d like. While there are many replacement options available, dental implants offer a permanent, natural-looking solution. Missing teeth not only affect how your smile looks, but also how healthy it is. When a tooth has been lost for a while, the remaining teeth shift positions to account for the extra stress. This can change the way you chew, bite, and even speak. Without stimulus from the root of the tooth, the jaw bone may begin to deteriorate over time.

At Fantastic Smiles of Houston

Dental implants are a great option for restoration, and they promote your oral health by preventing bone loss and structural changes. Implants are inserted directly into your jawbone, providing a stable, reliable foundation for a beautiful dental crown restoration. We’re happy to provide an initial consultation to determine if dental implants are right for you. At Fantastic Smiles of Houston, you can get a complete, healthy smile with our superior dental implants.